- Jadeine Sotiana Whiteside
Jadeine Sotiana Whiteside is from the Fiji Islands and is the owner and designer of her brand Jadeine Whiteside Fiji. JW Fiji was created by designer Jadeine Whiteside in 2013 and is the first Fijian fashion brand promoting Fiji and the South Pacific in China. JW Fiji's brand is dedicated to the unique Fijian culture clothing wo
- Sep 13, 2019

- Zhangeldiyeva Moldir
China Textile: Please give a brief introduction to yourself, including your work experience, studio and brand, as well as the award-winning experience.
Zhangeldiyeva Moldir : My name is Moldir, I am a beginner designer. I'm in my last year at Aspara College. I strive to create my own br
- Sep 13, 2019

- Jana Blank
China Textile: Please give a brief introduction to yourself, including your work experience, studio and brand, as well as the award-winning experience.
Jana Blank : My name is Jana Blank, I am from The Netherlands and lived in Paris, France for the last 4 years. Here I took Fr
- Sep 13, 2019

- Natascha Wanvestraut
C hina Textile: Please give a brief introduction to yourself, including your work experience, studio and brand, as well as the award-winning experience.
Natascha Wanvestraut : I am an Italian fashion designer and illustrator. Grown up in Naples, south of Italy. I was surround
- Sep 12, 2019

- Porramace Ponglarpprasert
China Textile: Please give a brief introduction to yourself, including your work experience, studio and brand, as well as the award-winning experience.
Porramace Ponglarpprasert : I am designer from Thailand. Among After you say yes , Tee-Ruk st
- Sep 11, 2019

- Halima Ali Mohamed
China Textile: Please give a brief introduction to yourself, including your work experience, studio and brand, as well as the award-winning experience.
Halima Ali Mohamed : I’m Halima from Djibouti and currently studying fashion design in Beijing. Firstly
- Sep 11, 2019

- Irida MALKA
China Textile: Please give a brief introduction to yourself, including your work experience, studio and brand, as well as the award-winning experience.
Irida MALKA : I’m graduate from IFA Paris, of fashion design degree, since I got my diploma in 2015, I’m traveling a lot to for
- Sep 10, 2019