U.S. emergency authorizes Chinese enterprises KN95 masks

Apr 17, 2020  |  by zhaoxh
As of April 11, masks produced by 46 factories located in China have been granted emergency use authorization (EUA). These include both wholly foreign-owned enterprises such as 3M China, and more are local Chinese manufacturers.

According to data released by the General Administration of Customs, P. R. China, from March 1 to April 4, the country’s total exports of major pandemic prevention and control materials were worth 10.2 billion yuan-mainly including about 3.86 billion masks, worth 7.72 billion yuan, 37.52 million pieces of protective clothing, worth 910 million yuan, 2.41 million pieces of infrared thermometers, worth 331 million yuan, 16,000 sets of ventilator, worth 310 million yuan, 2.84 million boxes of novel coronavirus detection reagents, 8.41 million pairs of goggles.






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