Prosperity index of specialized market falls slightly in April

Jun 01, 2021  |  by Zhao Xinhua

The prosperity monitoring results of the China Commercial Circulation Association of Textile and Apparel (CATA) show that in April 2021, the national textile and apparel specialized market manager’s prosperity index was 51.34, down 1.78 percentage points compared with 53.12 in February and March. The specialized market merchant’s prosperity index was 51.26, down 1.58 percentage points from 52.84 in February and March. In April, the prosperity of the textile and apparel specialized market declined slightly, but the overall situation remained positive.

1. Manager’s prosperity and merchant’s prosperity index are both above 50 - the threshold separating contraction from expansion
The data shows that in April, the various prosperity indexes of the national textile and apparel specialized market managers and merchants dropped slightly compared with February and March, but the overall prosperity index was higher than the 50 - the threshold separating contraction from expansion.
1.1 The manager’s prosperity index dropped by 1.78 percentage points

1.2 The merchant’s prosperity index dropped by 1.58 percentage points

2. Data analysis
1. The total market operation and logistics shipment index declined
In April, the proportion of total selected market operations increased by 22.58 percent, which was 29.03 percentage points lower than the 51.61 percent in February and March; the proportion of selected market logistics shipments increased by 22.58 percent, which was 22.58 percentage points lower than the 45.16 percent in February and February. The total market operation index and the logistics shipment index both showed a downward trend, but the overall index was still above the 50 - the threshold separating contraction from expansion.
2. Merchant costs and inventory pressure have eased
In April, the comprehensive merchant cost index was 49.66, an increase of 0.50 percentage points from 49.16 in February and March; the inventory index was 50.34, an increase of 1.04 percentage points from 49.30 in February and March. It can be seen that the spring clothing sales of merchants are good, and the cost pressure and inventory pressure are slightly eased.
3. The overall decline in the predictive index
The data shows that in terms of manager’s index, the next manager’s prosperity index is 52.26, which is 2.58 percentage points lower than the 54.84 in February and March; the next operating environment index is 51.94, which is 3.22 percentage points lower than the 55.16 in February and March. In terms of merchant’s index, the next merchant’s prosperity index is 52.19, down 3.40 percentage points from 55.59 in February and March; the next operating environment index is 52.12, down 3.47 percentage points from 55.59 in February and March. In terms of predictive indexes, the four predictive indexes of managers and merchants have all declined, but the overall index is still above the 50 - the threshold separating contraction from expansion. It can be seen that managers and merchants believe that sales in May may be relatively stable, but the overall trend is good.





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