Shaoxing dyeing and printing industry transformation and upgrading

Dec 31, 2020  |  by Zhao xh

In recent years, Zhejiang Shaoxing has renovated the two major traditional industries of dyeing and printing and chemical industry. Based on the completion of the “one-park” transformation and upgrading of specific areas of dyeing and printing and chemical industry, the dyeing and printing and chemical enterprises in Yuecheng District orderly transferred to Keqiao district and Shangyu District, realized “cross-regional integration” of industries, and strived to build a “Shaoxing model” for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

It is reported that among the 47 dyeing and printing companies in Yuecheng District, Shaoxing City, in accordance with the emission standards of 10,000 tons/day or more, 34 companies have been promoted to integrate into 5 dyeing and printing groups to settle in Keqiao Binhai Industrial Zone, and the remaining 13 dyeing and printing companies that have not formed a group have been transformed and upgraded through mergers and reorganizations and other methods.
At present, the five “cross-regional integration” dyeing and printing groups have all started construction, with a total investment of more than 5 billion yuan. The construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2021, and the original plant will be shut down.





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