Zhenyu launches a series of electric control products
Oct 19, 2016 | by
During the exhibition, Zhenyu is to display a
variety of electric control products, including threespray,
four-spray, and six-spray weft accumulators and
zy-400s water jet loom electric control boxes.
The motor speed control system zy-400s is used
for water jet looms and air jet looms, with such features
as energy saving, time and effort saving, and
improved product quality.
The system changed the starting mode of the contactor in the past, and
the starting point increased to 100 contacts, instead of the original only 5
ones. multi-point start mode greatly improved the impact of loom start-up on
fabric quality, thereby enhancing the quality.
Usually to change the loom speed, it is required to remove the motor
belt, and then install the belt that speed adjustment needs, which will cost
at least 15 to 30 minutes; however, only ten seconds is required for this
system, precise and safe.